On the Side of the Angels

Perhaps the most shocking thing Mrs. Staveley ever said to me was that one should not be identified with the Higher.

I thought that “being on the side of the angels” was desirable.  But no, she said.

We have to suffer being between two worlds.

This is a harder road to follow than striving to “be good”.

As the young Gurdjieff is told in the movie Meetings with Remarkable Men,  “Become yourself.  Then God and the Devil don’t matter.”

But I alternate between identifying with my lower urges, and identifying with my higher urges.

What to do?

Here, the body can help.  I sense my body, but I am not my body.  I AM.  I HAVE A BODY.

I sense the helpful and harmful influences on my body.

I stay within my own atmosphere.

Most importantly, I watch for urges, impulses, thoughts.  I even welcome them; the stronger the better.

Then I don’t act on them.  At least not right away.

.                    Lou Gottlieb                               2/27/2017


April 11, 2022

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