
Namaste – – – I bow to God within you.

I cannot see God manifesting in you – – – probably you cannot see God manifesting in you, either.  And yet  – – – I know it is there, potential in you, but at this moment I am not connected with it.

So——I use my imagination: you are secretly a holy person, able to accomplish sacred unifications—–but you have concealed this.  Now that I look at you, I see that this is so.  I should have guessed all along.  What a good disguise you put on it – – but I see through that now.


Which reminds me – – – I have forgotten: I, too, have this possibility.  And seeing it in you, I remember now; I remember myself.  There is more to me than just this pretense, than this outer life that I usually believe is all of me.  There’s more in you than I first thought, too, and in the food I eat, and the materials I am working with today.

I remember now: there is a secret holiness in all things.  Oh, how could I be so forgetful – – – ?


Namaste – – – I bow to God within you.


.                  Lou Gottlieb                                    6/17/1991


April 2, 2022

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