Think for Yourself. Work for the World.

                        Think for yourself.  Work for the world.

If you think for yourself, you will have doubts and questions.  You will suffer.  You will be able to ask for help.  And you will learn.

If you work for the world, you will become part of something great, and you will have a wish to benefit others as you have been benefitted.   This wish only comes if you know you have been loved.

When you feel that you have ever been loved, you build.

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But if you feel you have not been loved, you will have only hunger, and fear, and self-doubt.  You will only wish to work for yourself, and to understand how to stop the hunger and the fear and the self-doubt.  You will try to find a picture, a story, which answers all your questions, explains your suffering and calms your agitation.   This picture, this story must be simple and it must explain everything.

Your motto will become “Work for yourself.  Think for the world.”

When you feel that you have never been loved, you destroy.

So, which are you?

.             Lou Gottlieb                                  6/24/2020


April 7, 2022

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