About Mr. Gurdjieff

     About Mr. Gurdjieff

This most remarkable man brought Jesus’ esoteric teaching about conscience back from the obscurity that 1900 years of wiseacring and self-calming had made of it.  And he did it as service to the Higher.

As my teacher, Mrs. Staveley said of him, Mr. Gurdjieff had explored and brought light to all the dark places in himself, so he was not afraid to go anywhere, inner or outer.

And she said, “Gurdjieff’s work, his teaching, is not meant for everyone—neither is his Book for everyone. Both the teaching and the Book are meant for those who can and will use them.”

Of Gurdjieff’s book,  Beelzebub’s Tales*, she said, “This Book is a guide to becoming a real man. Gurdjieff advised us to read, reread and then read this Book again many, many times. Read it aloud with others and read it to yourself. Even if you read it thirty, even fifty times, you will always find something you missed before—a sentence which gives with great precision the answer to a question you have had for years.”

* available from Two Rivers Press


April 17, 2022

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1 Comment

  1. Tmx

    Very interesting content, thank you for sharing your stories and experiences with the world.


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