How I became a Nazi

                                        How I became a Nazi  I keep on trying to understand the event I know caused me to become a Nazi.  It is imprinted on my memory: I am locked into a smallish room with only me, my wife and my daughter in the room. The two of them...

The Kapo’s Tale

I wish to confess to you, before I am dead myself. Even to wish to be chosen as a kapo, as the head of a work crew, is an act of supreme egotism: to choose your own survival over another’s survival is understandable; to do so repeatedly is an act of monstrous egotism....

About the Stories

Most of these stories are part of a now-136-story collection.  The inspiration was from an exercise suggested by my teacher, Mrs. Staveley in the 1980s: “Ask yourself where you were at the Crucifixion.”  She thought most of us had been in the crowd,...

NEW–Jean Toomer’s Epiphany

Returned from Tenant’s Harbor and waiting idly one evening on the plat­form of the Sixty-sixth Street El station in New York, not in any hurry to get his train home, Toomer suddenly had a feeling of inner movement, as if some other power had taken over within him....