Memory Articles

How I became a Nazi

                                        How I became a Nazi  I keep on trying to understand the event I know caused me...

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The Kapo’s Tale

I wish to confess to you, before I am dead myself. Even to wish to be chosen as a kapo, as the head of a work crew, is...

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About the Memories

In 1988, as a then-17-year-member of a group studying and trying to practice the ideas of the man George Gurdjieff, I...

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Since Jerusalem

 Life after life, I remembered His eyes, but life after life, nothing changed. It wasn’t working. Finally, I agreed to...

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The Shame Factory

It is difficult for people today (or even then) to understand how a small number of guards could keep a large number...

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This process occasionally happens to a man in ordinary life: Someone or something from a higher level makes a strong...

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