Being is self-assembling

Like in some computer-generated graphic implosion, each piece of our being fits perfectly with each other piece.  If we let the pieces assemble themselves (and we certainly have to love God a lot to do so) we will suffer much, but our being will eventually be complete.   Mrs. Staveley would describe this as “The plan is good.”  Of course, we need vast amounts of “data” of all kinds for this self-assembling to happen correctly, or even to begin.

The usual “assembly” rules apply: Parts that we damage from our own violence (because we don’t understand the plan) must be replaced, and this is expensive (in suffering) and time-consuming.  Insisting that two parts connect which really don’t go together can cause much delay: the parts will separate again, and we can futilely try to connect them as many times as we like, but they will not stay connected.  Having our own “plan” can really wreck the assembly process.  Even believing we see a flaw in the assembly process is harmful.  Seeing these and similar errors cause us to become “actively passive” to the plan.  It’s “ego” that says to us “I know how this goes together.”  Trust is founded on love, and trusting the plan is founded on our love of God.

Each sub-assembly needs a quiet witness.  No comments, loud reactions, impatience or direct “recording” is allowed.  No pretending to “do” the assembling yourself: no identification is permitted.

As more and more of our overall assembled Being becomes visible to us, we must get more discriminating—-and more patient.  Sacred—-secret.

Somewhere, Gurdjieff describes this process as like an automobile repair shop, with parts scattered around.  His picture shows a lot of cars being repaired at once—-an esoteric school.  For my personal work, it’s enough to understand how to “repair” my own machine.

Lou Gottlieb                                      4/10/2021

April 20, 2022

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