NOTES TO MYSELF – – from 2021 to present

Schizophrenia causes premature, unearned enlightenment. Unquestionable light, but very destructive enlightenment nonetheless.
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The Germans wanted to create the perfect human: one without conscience. They still don’t understand why almost everyone else is against that idea.


I can feel it in myself, and I can see it on the news: the higher forces are (it seems to me) withdrawing the help that used to be so freely available.

Even Nature is withdrawing help. And those who were already in spiritual darkness will be impelled to destroy: even the sort of people who stormed the Capitol would easily turn to “domestic terrorism” and destroy such things as the electrical grid if their inner light were to dim more. We’ve got a virus that may/will mutate and kill many. Nations going bankrupt. Dictators arising. Lies swarming around our inner truths. And enough nuclear weapons to render the planet uninhabitable.

The perfect storm.

Everywhere we see it in microcosm. Now we can see this in a bigger picture.

I keep having to let go of what turn out to be suppositions about what is.

I’m prepared to die, but I think Nature is not going to let any of us off so easily.
Each of us who wishes to continue in human form must struggle to remove any inner objection to dying.

Will any people survive? We can but hope.



In Catholic grade schools, I believe the nuns teach without stating that when you “sin”, you feel disturbed.  Or, more exactly, when you feel disturbed, you’re “sinning.”  And the corollary is that when you’re “good”, you feel calm.

Not only that, but many non-Catholics have this same association with disturbance and calm.

In contrast, Gurdjieff repeatedly describes our “evil inner god, self-calming”.  Evil.

This “god” is the exact opposite of conscience, the Creator’s representative in us.



The Catechism is a patiently-developed set of answers to spiritual questions, answers which methodically quell any real questions and their disturbance a seeker may have, and replace them with self-calming.



Guilt, Blame, Self-Pity

Clearly blame is the seed of anger.

And guilt seems to be the seed of fear.

Is self-pity the seed of hatred?



When Great Nature is told to destroy a planet with 3-brained beings on it, She has them find nuclear fission.

Guns are violence-magnets.

Suggestibility is that “sticky” quality that constantly identifies (even for a fraction of a second) with impressions such as physical sensations, causing me to drag the past into the present: no freedom; no fluidity; no “now.”


October 1, 2020

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