The Holocaust and Conscience

The Holocaust was about the death of conscience, the deliberate murder of conscience—and from it, the Germans accrued a hideous karmic debt, a debt that still remains largely unpaid.  It’s like the Chinese invading and destroying Tibet, their conscience.  Or the Turks killing a million Armenians.  All, mammoth karmic debts. And no case was the slaughter of “sleeping” people – no, it was the deliberate killing of people with conscience: the people most able to raise humanity from hell on earth. And all because we’re unwilling to suffer seeing who we are.  Let me sleep, we say.  Wake me up and I’ll kill you.  Screw this suffering business.  Somebody shut them up.  Don’t even talk to me about conscience—it makes me too uncomfortable.

As one of the six million Jews who died, I tell you that the killing worked. The Jews have finally shut up. And the world will be destroyed as a consequence. The one last hope for humanity, conscience, and foolishly trying to shut it up by killing those with any sign of it.

[below is a graphic depiction of the Holocaust]

How could you!
What a senseless waste.
How dare you do such a thing?!!
Look what you’ve set in motion!

.                            Lou Gottlieb                       4/1/2021

April 21, 2022

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